Purple flowers of spring: LAPC & SC

I think of spring as being a season in flux, constantly shifting between the coolness of winter and the warmth of summer. Purple flowers, part warm red and part cool blue, reflect this indecision.

Cheery little phlox flowers blossom in profusion when spring arrives.

Purple flowers phlox

Tall, graceful penstemon pull in passing pollinators.

Penstemon & butterfly

Gentian’s purple flowers trumpet their presence in bold notes.

Gentian in Yellowstone

Iris flags flutter in the wind, signaling in White-faced Ibises.

Purple flowers iris

A brush against a purple sage shrub sends its minty scent into the wind, forever reminding you of spring.

Purple sage

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge – Spring

Mindlovesmisery’s Menagerie: Sunday Confessional – Spring

22 thoughts on “Purple flowers of spring: LAPC & SC

  1. Well I must admit I’d never thought of that Siobhan but you make a good case for it! Hope spring has sprung in your world! Your purple blossoms are beautiful. Now I need to get on the hunt for purple here. I think the wisteria counts for sure although most of the azaleas are pink. Hmmm….

    • Thanks, Tina! I just thought of why purple flowers might symbolize spring while putting together the post. 😁 I love wisteria flowers.

  2. An interesting idea about the colour purple, which is one of my favourites 💜 I tend to associate yellow with spring, primarily because of daffodils and celandines, but you make a good case for purple with these lovely examples!

  3. As a fellow nature lover, I completely agree with your reflection on the beauty and uncertainty of spring. The way the season seamlessly transitions from the chilliness of winter to the warmth of summer is truly magical, and the gorgeous purple flowers that bloom during this time capture that essence perfectly.

    I love how you highlighted the unique qualities of each flower, from the delicate and cheerful phlox to the majestic and eye-catching gentian. The penstemon’s gracefulness and the iris’s fluttering flags are also sights to behold.

    And let’s not forget the delightful scent of purple sage! It’s amazing how the fragrance of a single plant can evoke such powerful memories of springtime.

    Overall, your words beautifully capture the essence of spring and its fleeting yet unforgettable beauty. It’s a season that reminds us to appreciate the small but significant wonders of nature and to cherish the moments of transformation and growth that we experience in our own lives. 👍👏👌😊

  4. Siobhan, Like everyone else love the correlation of purple to spring. And beautiful photos. Thankful for the words of Inkwell! Perfectly penned for all of us.

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