Weathered Tree

Here is a weathered old tree that is beautiful even without any leaves. Its trunk leans and twists but the tree still manages to keep standing.

Weathered tree at Arches National Park in Utah. 3May2017

Weekly Photo Challenge – Weathered

13 thoughts on “Weathered Tree

  1. It does look amazing. It seems as if the tree is twisting itself up from the roots, as if it were programmed to do this. I wonder, do all trees of this kind twist like this?

    • Thanks! I read that juniper trees twist and turn like that when their roots are trying to get water from deep in the soil.

      • So it’s a juniper, yeah, I can see that now. Hard to recognize without the leaves. Looks like this one has indeed been very thirsty for a long time. It’s as if it is drilling for water.

  2. Pingback: Weathered – Allotment – What's (in) the picture?

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